“Kaha ka ‘Io me na Makani”
“Ku Makani”
(Rising Wind)
“Kaha ka ‘Io”
(The Hawk Soars)
“Ka Leo o Haukani”
(The Voice of the Wind)
17’x 21’x 9’ in bronze and stone
Gracefully striding the edge of a waterfall, these three, twice life size figures in bronze are dancing hula kahiko, the ancient style of Hawaiian dance. The two female dancers, the spirits of the wind, represent the dance and chant of Hawaiian hula. Together they are the winds that uplift the mighty ‘Io , the Hawaiian Hawk, the central male dancer, who represents the spirit of Hawai’i poised to take flight.
These images pay tribute to the importance of dance, chant and song in the rebirth and growth of Hawaiian culture. Together they celebrate the power of the hula connecting us with the spirit of the land, the Aina that is Hawaii.
Commissioned by Hilton Hawaiian Village
Completed May, 2001
Available in limited edition miniatures. See Hula Kahiko gallery page.
Awarded 2003 HVCB Keep It Hawai’i Visual Arts Award.