18′ H x 20′ x 20′ in bronze, stainless steel and Venetian glass tile.
Over the ages man has been enthralled by the mystery and magic of the stars. In ancient times, Hawaiian kahuna came to this site because of its elevation and openess to view the heavens. Today in the town of Mililani, many of its streets are named after hoku, stars in the night sky. It is an ageless fascination but how do we come closer to their brightness? Hina, the goddess of the Moon, so close to our planet Earth, shining in the night sky, our constant companion in the cosmos has been our bridge to the universe above us. Man has imagined stepping on its surface long before it ever became a reality and the crescent moon has been a symbol of new beginnings. How many times have we imagined ourselves leaning back, cradled in its slender arc, dreaming of the infinite beyond.
Commissioned by M& J Wilkow for Mililani Town Center, Mililani, Hawai’i
Completed June 2018
Sequence Kim Star for web from Kim Duffett on Vimeo.